Source code for les_iterables.augmenting

import itertools

[docs]def repeat_first(iterable): """Repeat the first item from an iterable on the end. Example: >>> ''.join(repeat_first("ABDC")) "ABCDA" Useful for making a closed cycle out of elements. If iterable is empty, the result will also be empty. Args: An iterable series of items. Yields: All items from iterables, followed by the first item from iterable. """ iterator = iter(iterable) try: first = next(iterator) except StopIteration: return yield first for item in iterator: yield item yield first
[docs]def prepend(item, iterable): """Yield an item followed by an iterable. """ yield item yield from iterable
[docs]def prepend_if(item, iterable, condition): """Conditionally yield an item, followed by an iterable. """ if condition: yield item yield from iterable
[docs]def append(iterable, item): """Yield an iterable followed by an item. """ yield from iterable yield item
[docs]def append_if(iterable, item, condition): """Yield an iterable, conditionally followed by an item. """ yield from iterable if condition: yield item
[docs]def alternate_with(items, alternate_item): """Generate a series from items, alternating with an alternate item. items[0], alternate_item, items[1], alternate_item, ... ,items[n - 1], alternate_item The last item yielded will be alternate_item """ for item in items: yield item yield alternate_item
[docs]def separate_with(items, separator): """Generate a series from items, where the original items are separated by another item. items[0], separator, items[1], separator, items[2] ... separator, items[n] The last item yielded will be the last element of items. """ iterator = iter(items) try: item = next(iterator) except StopIteration: return yield item for item in iterator: yield separator yield item
[docs]def ensure_contains(items, ensured_item): """Yield items, followed by ensured_item, if ensured_item is not already present. """ present = False for item in items: present = present and (item == ensured_item) yield item if not present: yield ensured_item
[docs]def extend(iterable, item_factory=lambda: None): """Extend an iterable by yielding items returned by a factory. Args: iterable: An iterable series of items to be extended. items_factory: A zero-argument callable that will be invoked once for reach item requested beyond the end of iterator to create additional items as necessary. """ return itertools.chain(iterable, iter(item_factory, object()))