Source code for les_iterables.functions

import itertools

from les_iterables.augmenting import extend

[docs]def just(item): """An iterable of just one item. Args: item: The item to be yielded. Yields: The item. """ yield item
[docs]def elements_at(seq, indexes): """Select elements from a sequence based on their indexes. Args: seq: The sequence from which to select elements. indexes: Indexes into seq indicating the selected elements. Yields: A series of items selected from seq by indexes. Raises: IndexError: If one of the indexes is not valid with seq. """ for index in indexes: yield seq[index]
[docs]def indexes(seq, item): """The indexes at which item occurs in a sequence. Args: seq: A sequence in which to search for occurrences of item. item: The item for which to determine indexes. Yields: A series of indexes into seq at which item occurs. """ i = 0 while True: try: i = seq.index(item, i) except ValueError: break yield i i += 1
[docs]def unchain(iterable, box=None): if box is None: box = lambda item: [item] return itertools.chain(map(box, iterable))
[docs]def extended_unchain(iterable, box=list): """Convert an iterable into an infinite series of lists of containing zero or one items. """ return extend(unchain(iterable, box), box)
[docs]def empty_iterable(): yield from ()
[docs]def run_length_encode(items): return ((key, len(list(group))) for key, group in itertools.groupby(items))
[docs]def false_then_true(): """A single False value followed by True values. """ yield False while True: yield True
[docs]def true_then_false(): """A single True value followed by False values. """ yield True while True: yield False