Source code for les_iterables.searching

from collections import defaultdict

from les_iterables import retain_if
from les_iterables.selecting import element_at

[docs]def nth_matching(iterable, predicate, n): """The nth item matching a predicate. Args: iterable: An iterable series of items to be searched. predicate: A callable to which each item will be passed in turn. n: A zero-based index. Returns: The nth item for which the predicate returns True. Raises: ValueError: If there are no matching items. """ return element_at(retain_if(iterable, predicate), n)
[docs]def first_matching(iterable, predicate): """The first item matching a predicate. Args: iterable: An iterable series of items to be searched. predicate: A callable to which each item will be passed in turn. Returns: The first item for which the predicate returns True. Raises: ValueError: If there are no matching items. """ for item in iterable: if predicate(item): return item raise ValueError("No matching items")
[docs]def duplicates(iterable, key=None): """Find duplicate items. [1, 3, 6, 3, 6, 2, 9, 3] -> [3, 6, 3] Args: iterable: The items to be searched. key: An optional function used to generate a key by which items will be compared. If not provided the items themselves will be compared. If the key function returns hashable objects the performance of this function will be O(n); however, the performance will degrade to O(n²) when the first non-hashable key is encountered. Yields: Items which are considered duplicates according to the key, in the order that they are encountered. Items which are encountered more than twice will be yielded more than once. """ if key is None: key = lambda x: x seen_keys = set() appender = set.add for item in iterable: k = key(item) try: seen = k in seen_keys # O(1) to O(n) except TypeError: # k is unhashable, so switch strategy by converting seen_keys from a set to a list seen_keys = list(seen_keys) appender = list.append seen = False if seen: yield item appender(seen_keys, k)