Source code for les_iterables.sequences

import itertools
from collections import deque
from typing import Union

[docs]def pop_n(sequence, n, factory=None): """Remove n items from the end of a sequence. Args: sequence: The sequence from which to remove items. n: The number of items to remove. factory: The sequence return type. By default will be the same as the input type. Return: A sequence containing the removed items in the same order they were in the original sequence. Raises: IndexError: If there are fewer than n items in the sequence. """ if n < 0: raise ValueError(f"Cannot pop {n} items from sequence") factory = factory or type(sequence) items = deque() for i in range(n): items.appendleft(sequence.pop()) return items if isinstance(items, factory) else factory(items)
[docs]def concat(sequence, *sequences): """Concatenate one of more sequences of compatible types. Args: sequence: A sequence. *sequences: Additional sequences to concatenate with the first. Returns: A concatenated sequences which has the same type as the first sequence. Raises: TypeError: If the sequences are not of compatible types. """ if len(sequences) == 0: return sequence sequences = (sequence, *sequences) if all(isinstance(s, str) for s in sequences): return "".join(sequences) sequence_type = type(sequences[0]) if issubclass(sequence_type, str): raise TypeError(f"Cannot concatenate str with non-string type {type(sequences[1]).__name__}") return sequence_type(itertools.chain.from_iterable(sequences))
[docs]def replace_range(s, r: Union[range, slice], t): """Replace the elements of s in a range with a new sequence. Args: s: The string in which a range is to be replaced. r: A range or slice of indexes in s to be replaced. t: The sequence with which to replace the elements of s in the range. Returns: The sequence with the elements specified by a range of indexes replaced. """ if hasattr(r, "step") and r.step not in {1, None}: raise ValueError(f"Cannot replace range specified by {type(r).__name__} with step {r.step} not equal to 1") prefix = s[:r.start] suffix = s[r.stop:] return concat(prefix, t, suffix)
[docs]def append_unique(sequence, item) -> bool: """Append an item to a sequence if it is not already present. Args: sequence: The sequence to which the item is to be appended. item: The item to be appended. Returns: True if the item was appended, False if it was already present. """ if item not in sequence: sequence.append(item) return True return False
[docs]def prepend_unique(sequence, item) -> bool: """Prepend an item to a sequence if it is not already present. Args: sequence: The sequence to which the item is to be prepended. item: The item to be prepended. Returns: True if the item was prepended, False if it was already present. """ if item not in sequence: sequence.insert(0, item) return True return False
[docs]def insert_unique(sequence, index, item) -> bool: """Insert an item into a sequence if it is not already present. Args: sequence: The sequence into which the item is to be inserted. index: The index at which the item is to be inserted. item: The item to be inserted. Returns: True if the item was inserted, False if it was already present. """ if item not in sequence: sequence.insert(index, item) return True return False
[docs]def extend_unique(sequence, items) -> set: """Extend a sequence with items which are not already present. Args: sequence: The sequence to which the items are to be appended. items: The items to be appended. Returns: A set of the items which were appended. """ existing = set(sequence) added = set() for item in items: if item not in existing and item not in added: sequence.append(item) added.add(item) return added